Table Rock Bible Church
10545 Table Rock Road
Central Point, OR 97502
Phone Number: (541) 476-6519
Small country Bible church started under the American Missionary Fellowship.
Table Rock Bible Church is located in the scenic Sam's Valley, very close to Upper Table Rock. Our historical church building was once a schoolhouse and this year is the hundred year anniversary of the building.
We have traditional style services. Sunday school begins at 10 A.M. and worship service starts at 11 A.M. Sunday mornings. Dave Price is the head pastor.
If you have any questions you can contact assistant pastor Eric McDonald at 541-476-6519.
We stand strong on the authority and inerrancy of Scripture and try to keep an evangelistic heart. Come and visit! We would love to meet you. (Potlucks {or pot-providences} are every 3rd Sunday of the month.)
Keywords: "Bible Church" "Table Rock"
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